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Cow Pea

(Vigna unguiculata)


Cow Pea (Vigna unguiculata) is an annual fast-growing legume suited for a wide range of soils from sandy loam to heavy cracking clays. Cow peas flourish in a rainfall region from 700 up to 2000mm depending on soil drainage etc.

Cow pea can be grown with numerous species but with its aggressive nature it prefers fast growing grasses such as Millets, Sorghums and even Maize. Cow pea responds very well to fertiliser especially applications of Superphosphate, Sulphur, with Zinc on alkaline soils and Moly on acidic soils.

Cow peas are a great multi-purpose legumes being utilised across various operations such as pasture improvement, hay/silage, grain, cover crops and green manure.


  • A multi-purpose legume.

  • Improves soil fertility.

  • Easy to establish.

  • High yields in short growing period.

  • Drought tolerant.

  • Needs well drained soils.

  • Susceptible to insect and diseases.

  • Sowing Rate 12-15kg dryland 20-25kg irrigated or high rainfall regions.

Please feel free to contact me with any further information required.

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